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Fiscal Matters

Have your say on Europe's economic future

Too often important policy decisions happen behind closed doors. We want you to be part of a public discussion on Europe’s future.


The chance to influence the EU's fiscal framework is now.


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Why Fiscal Policy Needs to Change

What's happening now?

The European Union is reforming its economic governance. This will determine the European rules on spending and debt for Member States and the procedures it uses for when these rules are broken. 


As a result of the pandemic, the usual rules are currently not being enforced. The European Commission introduced a “recovery and resilience facility”, to deal with the economic damage from the pandemic and invest into climate and digital transformation.


These extraordinary measures show us that the usual rules are no longer fit for purpose. We need new rules for a new world that better respond to the issues facing us now and in years to come.


Our Vision of Success
We want a new EU economic governance that:


Encourages Member States to make the necessary investment and spending for a green and just transition of the economy and society


Ensures tax and budget policy serve the environment and reduce inequality

Our Activity to Date

Fiscal Matters has actively shaped the debate on European fiscal policy since its inception in late 2020.

February 2023

POLICY BRIEF: Youth, worker, environmental and climate groups put forward seven reform demands for Europe's economic governance framework.
The publication sends a strong signal ahead of EU leaders discussions in March.

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About Us & Why

We are FiscalMatters - a group of civil society organisations, think tanks and trade unions, dedicated to fostering an informed debate that shapes a more just and sustainable future for all Europeans.

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