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People’s Summit: No SocialEurope without Social Rights

The European Anti-Poverty Network Portugal (EAPN Portugal) and the European Anti-Poverty Network Europe (EAPN Europe) hosted the People's Summit in Porto on 17 March 2023, bringing together people experiencing poverty, associates, political stakeholders and grassroots organisations to assess the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) Action Plan through various workshops and plenary sessions. A living example of what active participation is, as Portuguese Minister Ana Mendes Godinho said in the opening session. Quoting Juliana Wahlgren, EAPN Europe’s Director: we wanted to bring a new methodology to our Policy Conference: we wanted to try a more inclusive bottom-up approach, and advocate for real deliberative democracy in the monitoring and evaluation the EPSR and its action plan with people. In the words of EAPN Portugal’s President, Agostinho Jardim Moreira, this is an opportunity to reduce the alienation and detachment felt by many people towards the European institutions, by seeking to mobilise them for causes that really matter to the people.

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